Gen U Offices

Covid-19 Update

COVID-19 Key Information

genU continues to provide services according to the guidelines provided by the Victorian government and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)

We are dedicated to keeping you informed about any effects that COVID-19 restrictions have on the services you access.

Any major changes to your services will be communicated to you via email, text message, or through your regular genU contact.

If you would like any further information about accessing your services, please reach out to:

  • Your regular contact at genU
  • Our Intake team at 1300 558 368 or

COVID-19 Vaccinations

There are vaccination mandates in place for support workers in the disability, aged care and health care sectors.

The timeframe to be eligible for a third COVID vaccination dose in all states and territories has been reduced to 3 months. COVID booster vaccinations are now available for anyone aged 16 and older who completed their primary course of COVID-19 vaccination three or more months ago.

You can read more information about this directive from the Australian Government here:

 For those who are vaccinated, please keep up to date with your health records and make time to organise a booster shot when eligible.

Mask Wearing

It is a requirement that all genU staff and participants be wearing a mask whilst at a centre or while receiving supports. Participants who are unable to wear a mask must have an exemption from a GP.

Further resources

For translated COVID-19 resources – Translated coronavirus (COVID-19) resources | Australian Government Department of Health

If you require a translator or interpreter, please let your local coordinator know, and genU can work with you to access these services.

Please refer to the below state and territory websites for up to date information about COVID-19 restrictions: