Gen U group 128

Support Coordination

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A woman pointing at herself thinking. Two people in speech bubbles. A man has his hand raised and a woman has her hand on her chest.

Our Support Coordination service can help you connect to the right supports for you.

A man using a laptop. Next to him is his support worker. There are 2 spinning wheels above them.

Our Support Coordinators will work with you to help you:

  • build your confidence
  • build your capacity
  • manage your NDIS plan.

Your capacity is:

  • your ability to do something
  • the skills you have
  • how you manage everyday life.
NDIS logo

Our Support Coordinators also know a lot about the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

A woman point at herself and holding her other hand up. Behind her are two symbols of a hand holding a spinning wheel.

The NDIS provides services and support to people with disability.

Gen U 2013 logo

We have been working with the NDIS since it started in 2013.

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How we can help you reach your goals

Gen U goals icon

We will work with you to help you reach the goals in your NDIS plan.

Three calendars behind each other with a cross next to them.

You won’t have to wait a long time to see our Support Coordinators.

Woman talking on the phone. There is a clock with an arrow going around it and "48 hours".

After you contact us, we’ll get in touch with you within 48 hours.

Gen U 10 days logo

And we will organise a meeting with you within 10 days.

A support worker explaining something to a man. Above them is a dollar symbol, a page with the word plan, and a person pointing up toward their goals.

During our meeting, we will:

  • look at how your funding can be used to reach your goals
  • make a plan to reach these goals.
Gen U plan logo

We’ll also help you understand what’s in your NDIS plan.

Three circles in a row. A hand pressing the middle one.

Our Support Coordinators will make sure you have more choice and control over your supports.

A person smiling with two thumbs up

We want you to feel confident about managing your supports in the future.

Gen U plan logo

This includes getting ready for an NDIS plan review.

A woman thinking and reading a booklet

When you have an NDIS plan review, you check your plan to see what:

  • works well
  • needs to be better.
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Occupational Therapy

Gen U support worker logo

Occupational Therapists help you find ways to do everyday tasks.

We often call them OTs.

Our OTs can help you to:

Gen U support logo
  • get better at doing more things on your own, like:
    • showering
    • getting dressed
A pile of books with a graduation cap sitting on top and a briefcase
  • build your skills for education or work
  • take part in new activities, such as:
Gen U movement logo
  • sport
Gen U painting logo
  • art
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  • gardening
  • get better at daily tasks, like:
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  • cooking
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  • using public transport
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  • be able to move around better:
    • by making changes in your home
    • by making changes where you work
    • in your community.
Mouse click icon

Find out more about our Occupational Therapy.

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Specialist Support Coordination

A man is smiling and pointing at himself

Specialist Support Coordination will help you find supports that:

  • meet your needs
  • are what you want to do
  • fit in with your life.
Gen U goals icon

A Specialist Support Coordinator can support you to deal with challenges and reach your NDIS goals