Man in grey jacket smiling

Specialist Support Coordination

Need some extra support? Your genU Specialist Support Coordinator will help you to achieve your goals and outcomes. We’ll support you to navigate through complexities and challenges whilst empowering you to strengthen your voice and decision making.

Empowering You with Specialist Support Coordination

You will be supported by an experienced and qualified Specialist Support Coordinator with skills in assisting you to access supports specifically designed to meet your needs, preferences and circumstances.

Specialist Support Coordination can empower you to achieve your NDIS goals, regardless of the complexity and challenges you face. Situations where you may need to access a genU Specialist Support Coordinator, include:

  • Multiple and complex disabilities requiring several different and sometimes conflicting supports
  • Degenerative conditions requiring active support to manage and adjust to your changing needs
  • High risk situations where you have involvement with multiple service systems, such as health, justice, or child protection with competing jurisdictional requirements
  • If you have a newly acquired disability and require support to transition from hospital, transport accident or employment based funding bodies.
  • If you have a history of complex living arrangements and require support to locate suitable accommodation specific to your individual needs and requirements

What Works for You: Coordinating Your Specialist Supports

Accessing Specialist Support Coordination means that you receive support that’s tailored to you in a way that your particular barriers can be reduced and your options and choices increased.

We’ll use language that you understand and communication to empower you to start coordinating your own plan and increase you choice and control over your life. You’ll be directly involved in implementing, monitoring and reviewing your own support plan, and we’ll help you to increase your capacity to organise your own supports.

All the decisions are yours. Our role is to support you to identify all of your options so you can make the decision that is right for you. You will take part in helping to identify the supports you need to prevent or respond to crisis. You will also be involved in the evaluation of your own situation. We will consult with you and your support network (if you want us to) to plan and coordinate your supports.

Our goal is to help you find the most appropriate supports that meets your needs. Supports that are geared towards achieving your goals in your NDIS plan.

flow chart titled 'how we help you achieve your NDIS goals', text version below

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Your Expectations of Us

It’s important that your Specialist Support Coordinator can help you find supports that work for you.

At genU, all our Specialist Support Coordinators are highly qualified and experienced to support situations involving high risk and complexity. Their qualifications are diverse, across the fields of healthcare, disability, mental health and social work — so you can be matched to the coordinator who is best suited to help you. But they’re all dedicated to helping you find supports that work for your unique situation.

Our guarantees to you:

  • You will be the decision maker of your own NDIS plan.
  • We’ll meet all monitoring and reporting obligations associated with your plan.
  • We will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the risk factors that you experience.
  • The support we help you connect with will maximise your value for money.
  • Our advice will be transparent, unbiased and factual, so you won’t feel pressured to choose supports from any particular provider.

As well as being experts in coordinating specialist supports, you’re partnered with experts in the NDIS — we’ve been delivering NDIS supports since the scheme began in 2013.